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Hantavirus: Potential Risks from Pet Rats

Hantavirus is a viral infection that primarily affects rodents and can cause severe illness in humans. While the virus is rare, it is important to be aware of its transmission and potential risks. This article aims to provide an overview of hantavirus, its transmission methods, and specifically address the question of whether it can be contracted from pet rats.

Hantavirus in pet rats

What is Hantavirus?

Hantaviruses belong to the family Hantaviridae and are typically transmitted to humans through contact with infected rodents or their excreta. There are several strains of hantaviruses, each associated with specific rodent species and geographic regions. These viruses are typically found in the urine, faeces, and saliva of infected rodents.

Transmission of Hantavirus:

Hantavirus transmission occurs primarily through inhalation of aerosolized virus particles from infected rodent droppings, urine, or saliva. The virus can become airborne when contaminated materials are disturbed, such as during sweeping or vacuuming in enclosed spaces. In some rare cases, hantavirus can also be transmitted through direct contact with rodent bites or by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touching the face or mouth.

Hantavirus and Pet Rats:

It is crucial to note that hantavirus infection from pet rats is extremely rare. While hantaviruses are prevalent in some rodent populations, the specific strains associated with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in humans are typically found in wild rodents, such as deer mice, cotton rats, and rice rats. These strains are not commonly associated with pet rats or other domesticated rodent species.


Pet rats are generally not considered a significant source of hantavirus transmission. The risk of contracting hantavirus from pet rats is extremely low, especially if proper hygiene practices are followed. However, it is still essential to maintain good hygiene when handling any rodents to prevent other potential infections or diseases, as rodents can carry other pathogens.

Preventive Hantavirus Measures:

To minimise the risk of hantavirus infection or any other potential diseases associated with rodents, including pet rats, the following preventive measures are recommended:

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling rodents or cleaning their cages.
  • Avoid direct contact with rodent urine, faeces, or saliva.
  • Maintain a clean living environment for rodents by regularly cleaning their cages and bedding.
  • Use gloves and a mask when cleaning areas where rodents have been present, especially in enclosed spaces.
  • Minimise rodent infestation by sealing any cracks or openings that may allow their entry into the living area.
  • If you suspect rodent infestation, contact professional pest control services to address the issue safely.

How common is Hantavirus in Pet Rats?

Hantavirus is a viral infection primarily transmitted through contact with infected rodents and their excreta. While hantavirus infection is rare, it is essential to be aware of preventive measures, especially when dealing with wild rodents.

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Regarding pet rats, the risk of contracting hantavirus from them is exceedingly low, but maintaining good hygiene practices is still crucial for overall health and safety. If you have any concerns about hantavirus or other rodent-related illnesses, consult a healthcare professional or local health department for further guidance.

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bite gloves

June 25, 2023

Training animals, especially rodents like rats, requires adequate protection for handlers to ensure safety and minimize the risk of injuries. Rat bite gloves are a specialised type of hand protection designed to provide a barrier against bites and scratches during handling and training sessions

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